Is there a degree or a "level on the ladder" if you will, in our inner work, that opens a sensation within that gives us the ability to feel others as the souls they truly are? Like a feeling of "coming outside ourselves"where we aren't so closed off inside our selfish and encased egos, so to feel a greater reality we all live in?
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Thank you for your thoughtful response. I hope to reply, later, in a more thoughtful manner but, yes, I do agree with you that God puts people and signposts along our path if we are actively present enough to see them. I don’t know about the ascent you refer to as much as an experience of spaciousness where no timeline exists. Time stops, limited space stops, there is just an “isness.” This is where I am able to “feel” and know. It was there that I understood why the Orthodox fathers say “Wisdom.” Wisdom resides there.
Beautifully said Lori. Reading your reply gave me a good impression of what you have experienced and trying to convey. I am sensing that there is a "gradient of perfection" like ascending a ladder so to speak where we can feel other souls that are higher than our current state, helping us to move onward. I was inquiring whether or not this inner work we are studying and practicing talks about the inner sensations of ascension where as we peel away from more false personality will we feel other souls assisting us along the way?
Christ seems to be the highest peak along this way and is a special soul who guides us toward him. However, before we get to him there must be other souls at certain "mile markers" giving us clarity and encouragement to carry on. Ted and Rebecca seem to be one of these special souls and others cloaked in human skin to guide us. However, there might be others, entombed in history with their books, we just feel as we read their works and we sense them alive and well from their souls they imprint in the books.
There just seems to be a ladder of greater and greater sensations of perfection and love as we ascend,and special souls are there to greet us along the way. Am I wrong with this presumption?
It is possible that two people (or more), once living in the unveiled reality, can feel the truer higher reality that is cohesive and unifying - insofar as the Christ in us recognizes the Christ in the other - which is absolutely foreign to our fragmented closed off lower personage. It is impossible not to notice it in another. As for me, I “feel” the other person - not so much their energies - but I feel them through a heart language that the Word of God facilitates or brings about. (As if experiencing them in a unification field, for lack of a better description). It is the same language heard through Scripture... which I also “feel” more than I hear intellectually. It is extremely difficult to describe it but I would characterize it as being joined to the bridegroom in perfect union. Love that encompasses unity, connectedness, delight, exuberance, peace, you get the idea. Notably, I cannot feel people who are NOT unified through Christ. I can sense them in a duller way - in that I can sense their being cut off from the source. But with them it is through my sensory processes. With those who are enlightened it is felt or experienced beyond my 5 senses and with a different consciousness. Sometimes it is difficult for me to reconcile these feelings in this world.
Another great question! Thank you for the momentum, The Connection Minute. I had a vision once, where I found my perception to be 'outside myself' .. as though my crown had opened & I was in a 'higher' place, beyond the body. It was as though there were atmospheric shifts, like self identity bubbles that burst & each popping bubble took me to a more refined state of awareness. The sensation was one of 'merging with all that is'. This was an experience that I would describe as being both within & without. Later that night I awoke from a dream in which a bat spoke to me, saying; 'you have climbed the ladder, but now you must go back & edify the rungs' (not really sure if edify is the right word .. perhaps fortify? the vision was of making the ladder solid gold, quality, clean & stable). I had a sense that I was given a glimpse of what it is to see / feel the world as One, & that I was then instructed to do the work required for this to be a constant reality, rather than a momentary state. (Im still working on it ;) ) The experience certainly opened my heart, & for a while I felt waves of compassion that were blissful & expansive, coupled with a sense of release from egoic compression / tension.