Hi fam,
been lurking too long, this is not my first time here or first forum under this banner and now it's time for myself to share some experiences that are not outside of the Work or the Body Type teachings that are being delivered to us now from our friend Father Ted.
Below are some questions myself has asked Father Ted in regards to how easily myself can go down the exoteric hole of youtube and his Esoteric answer.
Also, an experience myself had in a thrift store and our friends response, please note how he addresses the Work experience first and the exoteric stuff second! And how myself asks about the exoteric stuff first and the Esoteric second, hehehe...
From: Ashley Moore <shly_moore@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2019 6:18 PM
To: Inner Work for Spiritual Awakening
Subject: Pineal Gland Query
Dear Father Ted, in doing research online I come across things that are interesting and seem to be in keeping with what The Work is directing me to do.
I have just recently come across something on youtube called the secret secretion which gives an account of the Tree Of Life and a certain substance travelling down the spine and not being used by the sex centre but transformed!
This particular way they speak about this pineal gland and the secret secretion etc, is they tell a story of Jesus, the 33 years of his life equating to the 33 vertebrae and how the secretion comes down the spine and then back up and the reward given etc. They even go on to say that Santa Claus is an idea of him coming down the chimney if the kids have been good and have gifts left for them etc!.
In reading the Nicholl Commentaries I see that this Work evolves at various times to move with the mode of the day and The Work term for this is called Experiments! ( if I have that correct ) My question is, is there a connection with the pineal gland and the apparent secret secretion with the 4TH Way Work and is this worth me looking into some more? In closing is the pineal gland just more exoteric stuff, I mean it sounds like they are referring to an actual physical substance travelling down from the brain etc and according by what The Work directs that this fight is not an exoteric fight but a spiritual/psychological one. PS. I have been wanting to tell you something that happened to me some months back now which was very profound. I was in a thrift store standing in front of some items deciding which one I will purchase when I sensed someone standing behind me in a hurried state, obviously wanting to get to the shelf where I was standing!. I did not move for this person, later when I walked to the cashier to pay I noticed the man who was standing behind me at the shelf, say to the cashier " you serve this guy, he's a rude and so and so ".
I immediately ascented to being offended and when I got to the cashier I was met with disdain and attitude to which even more offense was added within and I felt hurt and noticed my mouth went dry and I started shaking a little. This negative inner taste was so profound that I resolved in myself that when I got home I would get to the bottom of it. I prayed to God asking for elucidation and what can be done to transform it. God reminded me that just some days ago in the commentaries, The Work says that we can only be hurt by other peoples comments if we have not brought the light into that area, ie: me being a rude so and so. WOW, as soon as I accepted that there is a rude so and so within me, inner peace started to return. Then with God leading the charge he showed me where in the thrift store incident, I was wrong. When I noticed the hurried man standing behind me I had actually said some words internally to myself and the man, I said " you can just wait ". Wow, it's true, there is a rude so and so within me. Thank you so much for this work and the video's. Blessings.
Subject: Re: Pineal Gland Query
On Sunday, 20 January 2019, 12:37:23 am AEDT, Ted Nottingham <tednottingham@hotmail.com> wrote:
Dear Ashley,
Thank you for writing. To start with your shared experience, you have done some very valuable observing. You notice that the "rude person within" did not want to be helpful to the man. If you translate that into Work terms, you will go beyond "rude" to which feature was operating within you. This might give you an important clue as to an underlying controlling chief feature of your body type. My intuition is that it is "willfullness." This is particularly strong in the lunar type and is a powerful force that says "no" quite often or that resists just for the sake of resisting. It can also be a useful characteristic, an inner strength, but when functioning unconsciously it is just a controlling factor of your behavior.
Your internal and physical reactions with the cashier reveal the impact of inner considering. Recognizing how potent it is may give you motivation to free yourself from the opinion of others so that you are not impacted with such intensity.
Finally, the issue of "secret secretion" falls into the category of speculation/fantasy which is essentially useless to real work on oneself leading to practical development toward the Real Self.
It is good to witness how seriously you take these teachings. You will find them more and more impactful as you apply them.
Blessings of peace, Ted
Thank you Ted......I am a lunar (willful to the max) all the while trying to discern the inner life of others: ugh! Great insight for me!